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Cyril Fournier - Antique Nude Researcher and Collector

100 years
The illustrated postcard is more than 100 years old. Few years after a small group of photographers started to sell real photocards...
one step from the first nudes even if there were a lot of stereocards with the same subject - but they were very difficult to find.

We do not wish to talk about the postcard history! We want to write about our times, to look at past - and lost - times and we want to let everyone to build his own collection. ?
We are happy to introduce you Cyril Fournier, the author of this site.

He speaks about himself as a graphiste (a graphic designer) even we think he is addicted to collecting, we found him at the Rastro of Madrid, in Paris at the Porte de Clignancourt flea market, in London at Camden Village Saturdays and in the Bermonsdey Fridays, in Rome at the Porta Portese, everytime looking for nudes. The sellers thought he was a maniac, but we know it is not true. As we said before, he is addicted, as a lot of us.


We want to write about our times, to look at past - and lost - times and we want to let everyone to build his own collection. ?A lot of authors wrote about collecting, some of them were or are great psychiatrist, but they forgot to speak about the curiosity that comes from this peculiar subject.
The pictures
If you look for "risque" or for "French Nudes" on Google or on Ebay you can find a lot of information about early editors or? photographers and how much their work worth. What you can see on these pages is a small (!) selection of what the market can offer.

You can download the pictures of these pages without asking permission. This is a way to have your collection for free, to find and to collect images you are looking for since a long time. Yes, we agree with you, they are not the original ones, but if you cannot have them in a different way, you are lucky to find them here!
The titles

We divided the pictures by subject. So you can find nudes with mirror, on a chair, lying down on a sofa, standing showing their bodies or their backs.. on the bottom of this page you can find the categories on the site map..
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Mirror pages

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